
WIDER FACE: A Face Detection Benchmark

WIDER FACE dataset is a face detection benchmark dataset, of which images are selected from the publicly available WIDER dataset.

Face recognition trailblazer SenseTime rushes to be next Google

Face recognition trailblazer SenseTime rushes to be next Google. China's most valuable AI startup risks backlash amid tech cold war.

Facial Recognition: The Next Phase

Dr Ping Luo helped develop a facial recognition system that has outperformed competitors from Google and Facebook and that he is taking to the next step by ...

Personalized Privacy Protection Mask Against Unauthorized Facial ...

This paper introduces Chameleon, which learns to generate a user-centric personalized privacy protection mask, coined as P3-Mask, to protect ...

‪Fu-Zhao Ou‬

Assessing Face Image Quality for Application of Facial Recognition. X Chen, R Zhang, FZ Ou, Y Huang, S Li.

no face detection option I can choose in my Google photo account

I want to ask that why there has no face detection option I can choose in my Google photo account in the setting.

Face recognition

On your computer, go to photos.google.com/settings. · Next to Group similar faces, click Show more Down Arrow . · Turn Face grouping off or on.

【Google Photos】How to use? What are the Functions, Benefits ...

Google Photos provides access and categorisation functions to help you easily manage every photo and video.

【Shared Album】Google Photos VS Apple Photos Features and ...

When you share an album with others, the system can use Google's facial recognition technology to automatically identify photos and videos to share any new ...

CelebFaces Attributes (CelebA) Dataset

This dataset is great for training and testing models for face detection, particularly for recognising facial attributes such as finding people with brown hair, ... Discussion (10) · Code (594) · Data Card


WIDERFACEdatasetisafacedetectionbenchmarkdataset,ofwhichimagesareselectedfromthepubliclyavailableWIDERdataset.,FacerecognitiontrailblazerSenseTimerushestobenextGoogle.China'smostvaluableAIstartuprisksbacklashamidtechcoldwar.,DrPingLuohelpeddevelopafacialrecognitionsystemthathasoutperformedcompetitorsfromGoogleandFacebookandthatheistakingtothenextstepby ...,ThispaperintroducesChameleon,whichlea...